Thursday, 29 November 2012

Costume idea

Today I have been planing my costume to wear. So far this is what I have came up with.

Price list

Material approx. £2 per mitre (need about 4 metres) works out £8
 Suit max £10
Hat £4/5
Cane *free*
Fake blood *varies*
Fake knife £2
Total approx. = £30
Scott: suit
·         maximum £10
Adam:  materials
·         Approx. £3
Aimee:  Materials
·         Approx. £3
Tania: fake blood
·         approx. £2
I have worked out a simple price list of the objects we need and their maximum prices

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Questionnaire results

Recently we created a questionnaire to find out different peoples views on films and film openings in particular. the questionnaire was anonymous and these were our results:
What Age Group do you fall in?
The majority of people we asked where aged 41+ with a result of 19. 16-20 got a result of 3, 26-30 we only had 1 person and 31-40 got a result of 9. 22 of the people we asked where female and the remaining was 9.

Men generally watch films once a week with only two out of our sample watching it more than this. Most men we asked would rather pay less then £10 only one person in our sample is willing to pay more than £10. Out of our male sample comedy is the most popular with 5 people liking it. As would be expected chic-flicks are the least popular along with westerns. Most men in our sample think that film openings should be 2-3 minutes. According to our samples men feel that music is important. According to our male audience if they are not hooked by the opening they would probably stop watching. Most of the time our male audience watches the titles. When it comes to bad films our male sample agrees that often the cause is bad acting, poor script and pointless story line.

Women generally watch films one a week with over 2/3 of our sample doing this. Most women we asked would rather pay less than £10. Out of our female sample comedy is the most popular choice and western the least. Most women in our sample think that with film openings the setting is important. According to our samples women have a varied view on how long a film opening should be. According to our female audience if they are not hooked by the opening they probably would continue to watch. Most of the time our female audience watches the titles. When it comes to bad films our female sample feel that the film is bad because it doesn’t appeal to them.